HIMSS09 wraps up today with keynote speeches from Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Naval Flight Surgeon Captain Jerry Linenger.
The Exhibit Hall booths will be broken down around 1:00pm CT, unofficially ending the conference for many of the show's more than 25,000 attendees.
We'll have more coverage of HIMSS09 throughout the next week. Check HealthcareITNews.com and our Twitter feed in the coming days for more vendor announcements, Newsmaker Interviews, videos and podcasts.
Related HIMSS09 content:
HIMSS09 photo journal: Exhibit Hall
'HITSP is not on vacation,' Chair John Halamka says
Davies Public Health Award recipients improve outcomes and workflow
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HIEs and stimulus funding: Don't wait; implement now!
Healthcare reform will be incremental, political analyst says
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Federal stimulus money may alter leadership survey responses down the road
Podcast: HIMSS CEO Steve Lieber
HIMSS09 photo journal: Interoperability Showcase
HIMSS09 Product Demo: MedHost EDIS on Microsoft Surface
2009: Year of heavy lifting for NHIN
CCHIT ready to turn up the dial
VA a good model for EHR systems and implementation
Whitehouse says health IT will be 'the backbone' of reform