Build a learning environment for introducing new technologies

Photo: Arcadia
As data fuels the ongoing digital transformation in healthcare, leaders have plans for how it will transform care. Indeed, 56% of healthcare leader respondents cited improving the quality of care as the most important goal that data empowers for their organizations, according to recent HIMSS Market Insights research on the use of data analytics platforms. However, deploying these solutions will change workflows for busy staff, and buy-in from both staff and the C-suite are required. In Season 2, Episode 1 of the "Unlocking Big Data" podcast sponsored by Arcadia, Albert Marinez, chief analytics officer at Cleveland Clinic, and Michael Meucci, president and CEO of Arcadia, talk about educating staff and executives on data initiatives as part of the foundation to building a successful business case.
You'll learn about:
Incorporating best practices and lessons learned from your peers
Showing how barriers to deployment can support the business case
The role of a trusted data analytics platform partner
Want to hear more about this topic? Watch our companion TV episode here.