Private hospitals in SE Asia expanding digital capabilities to support value-based care initiatives

A recent InterSystems survey found that although only 16% of respondents stated that today’s digital systems currently support value-based care initiatives, 64% of them expect this capability in the next five years.
By Dean Koh
02:06 AM

According to a recent survey by InterSystems, private hospitals in South East Asia will dramatically expand the capabilities of their healthcare information systems over the next five years to support transformational changes such as value-based care initiatives and better care coordination.

The survey, Taking the Pulse of Digital Transformation in Healthcare – South East Asia, polled 70 senior executives at 28 leading private hospitals across Asian countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. 


While many hospitals can claim to be digital, especially due to the rapid adoption of EMRs in recent years, the survey revealed that most Asian private hospitals are still in the process of phasing out paper records and need to make additional investments for data to flow across the continuum of health and care. 56% of survey respondents said they currently use paper-based records but the figure is expected to fall to only 6% of private hospitals in five years.

The survey found that most Asian private hospitals expect to implement real-time big data analysis capabilities over the next five years, with the proportion increasing from 13% of hospitals currently to 69% in five years.

Respondents also expect anticipate a shift away from the traditional fee-for-service model towards a value-based care model. While only 16% stated that today’s digital systems currently support value-based care initiatives, 64% of respondents expect this capability in the next five years. This will require much more sophisticated data analysis than currently available.

Significant changes are also expected in terms of systems support for care coordination within and outside organisations. Systems support for care coordination across an organisation is expected to increase from 41% to 64% in the next five years. Systems support for care coordination with outside organisations is expected to increase from 22% to 58%. This reflects a broader global trend toward the expansion of connected health and care systems.


“Private hospitals in South East Asia operate in a highly competitive environment where they need to differentiate themselves to attract patients with high expectations and wanting the best clinical care.”

“The most common transformational changes that Asian private hospitals expect to make – whether improving the value they receive, better targeted treatments, improved care coordination, or wellness strategies – all have a strong focus on the patient,” said Kerry Stratton, Managing Director, South East Asia at InterSystems in a statement. 

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