'Embrace the spirit of connectedness,' leaders implore at HIMSS23 APAC

[Left-Right] Dr Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Deputy Minister of Health, Indonesia, and Pak Setiaji, Chief of Digital Transformation Office, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
Building on last year's success in Bali, HIMSS23 APAC returns to Indonesia, this time in the country's capital Jakarta, to check on the progress of digital health transformations across the archipelago and beyond.
With the theme "Health that Connects, Tech that Cares," this year's conference focuses on a number of topics, including interoperability, cybersecurity, responsible use of AI, and modernising digital infrastructure. Case studies across the region are also expected to share lessons in digital transformation.
"Health is about connecting individuals to the right care, and the care which utilises [technology] has the opportunity to bring care forward to the individual and to the individual back into the hospital or the care setting," HIMSS President and CEO Hal Wolf emphasised in his welcome address.
The first day of the conference also heard from its guest of honour, Indonesia's Deputy Minister of Health Dr Dante Saksono Harbuwono. He spoke about the country's achievements in building a resilient and sustainable health ecosystem after the COVID-19 pandemic.
"I am proud to inform you that we are in a very promising moment now," he quipped.
Lately, Indonesia has been seeking investment opportunities for its medical device industry, connecting local players with global investors from China, Germany, the United States, and the Middle East. The industry, which has a projected CAGR of 12%, has been positioned to meet unfulfilled demand for innovative solutions.
Improving healthcare through these technological solutions, however, involves more than just technology itself, Dr Harbuwono said. "It also involves empowering patients to take control of their health and giving healthcare providers the tools they need to provide better care."
"As we embark on this journey together, let us embrace the spirit of connectedness and recognise the transformative power of technology in healthcare," he stressed.
Meanwhile, Pak Setiaji, the chief of the Digital Transformation Office of the Indonesian MoH and chairperson of HIMSS23 APAC, shared some of Indonesia's progress in digital transformation. This includes the release of the Digital Health Transformation Blueprint 2024 and the transition of the former PeduliLindungi COVID-19 app to a national integrated health data exchange platform called SatuSehat.
In digitising the health system post-COVID, Setiaji underscored the potential for industry-wide collaboration, particularly in the area of data and information.
"Building the trust between us and solidifying our commitment to a better healthcare system in the future, it is possible to have a synergic, synchronised, and well-governed collaboration," he said in his opening address.
"For a better future, let's keep this momentum [of collaboration] and [continue] working together," he urged.