Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital in Taiwan achieves Stage 6 EMRAM

Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital
The Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital (KMUH) has been recently validated for Stage 6 of the HIMSS Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model.
The eight-stage EMRAM gauges a health facility's effective use and deployment of EMR technology.
The 1,720-bed medical centre sought the EMRAM certification to obtain "objective measurements in its digital transformation journey and strive to meet international standards."
In a statement, HIMSS said KMUH showed "impressive" organisation of the EMR in terms of standardisation, efficiency, quality checks, and use of data, all of which contribute to it achieving a "high level" of structured clinical documentation.
The hospital’s CDSS was also praised for having different types of alerts and warnings. HIMSS noted unique types of alerts, such as those for medications that may not be powdered or halved, integration of pharmacogenetic testing results, and infusion speed checks and paediatric dosing tips.
Additionally, the use of technology to support patient engagement for both inpatients as well as outpatients with several apps covering various functions to support self-management was found to be "exceptional in supporting patients with timely information and communication."
HIMSS also offered some recommendations for further improvements to the hospital's systems and processes. These include having more automated and intuitive alerts for pharmacists; integrating the fluid balance chart with the ordering or medication management system; and facilitating remote patient monitoring and health maintenance reminders.
KMUH, which is the first private university-affiliated hospital in Taiwan, has joined a growing group of healthcare providers in Taiwan that are EMRAM Stage 6 certified. Its validation – a first in Kaohsiung City – follows Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, which received its certification last year. Two hospitals in Taichung City, Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital and Taichung Veterans General Hospital, are also currently validated at this level.
In a statement, KMUH shared that it is "preparing to invest in the necessary software and hardware facilities" to meet the requirements for achieving EMRAM Stage 7 – the highest stage for this model. It also plans to undergo the HIMSS Digital Health Indicator assessment. A fellow local hospital, the Changhua Christian Hospital, has recently achieved EMRAM Stage 7.
"Throughout the certification preparation process, we have thoroughly reviewed various healthcare digital processes, leading to the discovery of innovative ideas and procedural improvements. Obtaining [the] EMRAM certification enables [us] to continue introducing advanced technologies, expanding industry linkages, and exploring the application of AI in the medical field as we continue to drive healthcare digital transformation. Our goal is to provide patients with higher-quality medical services," said Dr Jaw-Yuan Wang, professor and superintendent of KMUH.
"KMUH is well on its way to accomplishing its goal of being a smart, high-performance hospital, supported by a next-generation Digital Health Information System, and robust digital strategy and governance that enable it to deliver high-quality and safe and effective care for its population," Andrew Pearce, HIMSS VP Analytics and Global Advisory Lead, also commented.