Pen CS releases hospitalisation risk report CAT function

The latest CAT tool uses a predictive risk algorithm to help identify people at risk of hospitalisation in 12 months.
By Adam Ang
11:48 PM

Photo courtesy of Pen CS

Health informatics technology company Pen CS has launched its latest clinical audit tool that helps determine the possibility of a patient turning up unplanned to a hospital over 12 months.

The Risk of Hospitalisation Report function on the Pen CS CAT platform uses a predictive risk algorithm. It predicts unplanned hospitalisations by considering various factors, including patient demographics, socio-economic index of relative advantage/disadvantage, physiological information, medications, chronic conditions, pathology categories, and lifestyle.   

The model, which was based on de-identified patient data, was developed by CSIRO and its partners. It had been tested on more than 10,000 patients in a trial at 120 health services. 


There were nearly 750,000 cases of potentially preventable hospitalisations in Australia in 2017-2018, based on the latest government data. These have cost the country's healthcare system between A$2.5 billion ($1.6 billion) and A$4.8 billion ($3.2 billion). 

These cases, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, could be minimised through preventive health interventions and early disease management in primary care and community-based care settings. However, the challenge here lies in the efficient identification of at-risk demographics.

Pen CS's latest Risk of Hospitalisation CAT Report is able to meet this challenge, enabling practices to prioritise intervention and evaluation.

“Targeted application of this model is paramount to enhancing care provision for those living with chronic and complex health conditions, reducing cases of hospitalisation, and ultimately, improving the health of the Australian nation by optimising general practice sustainability and performance," said Pen CS CEO Edweana Wenkart.

GP-developed proactive care pathways, Wenkart claimed, can potentially divert 75,000 patients each year from hospital admission, resulting in a saving to the healthcare system of between A$247.5 million ($165 million) and A$480 million ($319 million).


Another AI tool developed by CSIRO can also predict patient deterioration. The clinical decision support tool harnesses EMR data to determine when a patient's vital signs are likely to reach a dangerous level. The said tool also alerts staff about their risk of deterioration that could lead to death, cardiac arrest, or unplanned ICU admission. 


Commenting on the release of the Risk of Hospitalisation Report, Pen CS Chief Medical Advisor Dr Kean-Seng Lim said: "By utilising the innovative Pen CS CAT platform, this application enables better insights, which facilitates forward-planning and better-targeted health interventions, enabling healthcare providers to define specific patient needs, and determine appropriate actions. The risk stratification model allows GPs to examine the risk of hospitalisation at an individual patient level, prompting the proactive delivery of tailored care to those who need it the most."

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