Infographic: Women in senior health IT roles by state

By Erin McCann
12:17 PM

After analyzing more than 3,000 senior health IT positions nationwide, Healthcare IT News found that 75 percent are occupied by men. 
Women have proved their prowess in executive health IT roles, however, as despite accounting for only 25 percent of these roles nationwide, women leaders account for 45 percent of HIMSS Analytics Stage 6 hospitals and 48 percent of Stage 7 hospitals. 
Many states were given failing report cards, having shockingly low numbers of women holding executive health IT positions. 
Top 5 worst states for women in health IT:
1. Nevada – 4 percent of senior health IT roles held by women
2. Alaska – 8 percent
3. New Mexico – 9 percent
4. Utah – 10 percent
5. New Hampshire – 12 percent
Top 5 best states for women in health IT
1. Rhode Island – 56 percent of senior health IT roles held by women
2. Vermont – 44 percent 
3. District of Columbia – 39 percent
4. Connecticut – 39 percent
5. Wisconsin – 36 percent
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