Claims Processing
Even as the number of impacted individuals has been again revised upward, industry leaders say there are silver-lining lessons to learn from the incident about security frameworks, third-party risk and basic cyber hygiene.
The company says in a 46-page detailed argument that Epic sought to deliberately eliminate its ability to gain payer market share and "brazenly doubles and triples down on knowingly false statements about Particle in its motion."
A statistical analysis evaluated a refit of the Dementia AlgoRithm, which helps determine patients at risk for cognitive decline, using administrative claims data. It found the new models could be a game-changer for value-based care providers.
By incorporating frontline leaders' feedback, health IT companies are developing products that enhance their control over analytics and empower them with artificial intelligence-powered approaches to streamline daily tasks and improve patient access.
Oz will cut waste and fraud within the country's most expensive government agency, Trump says.
The intent of prior authorization - to make efficient use of health resources - has not worked, says Peter Ax of UpScriptHealth.
Also: SmarterDX launches tools to help hospitals overturn denials in minutes and recover lost revenue.
Also, athenahealth intros athenaOne for Behavioral Health, and Clarify Health empowers payers with AI-driven cost containment tools and quality improvement analytics.
It's already happening: CFOs are getting Teams calls from their "CEO" asking for reports on financial transactions, says ChristianaCare CISO Anahi Santiago ahead of her appearance at the 2024 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Forum.
Despite a greater ability for healthcare entities to challenge regulatory decrees in court, increased litigation could result in unfavorable court decisions that are harder to fix, healthcare attorneys say.