Neil Versel

Neil Versel is a freelance health IT journalist in Chicago. He has been a professional journalist since 1992, focusing on healthcare since 2000.
Neil Versel
09:31 pm
December 04, 2023
Some healthcare organizations use homegrown tracking technologies to avoid third-party disclosures of protected information, but all have to understand if their practices comply with applicable privacy laws, says Betsy Hodge, partner at Akerman.
Neil Versel
12:19 pm
November 06, 2023
In a complaint filed in federal court in Texas, the hospital group says enforcement of the Office for Civil Rights' regs on pixel tracking tools would disrupt the "balance that HIPAA and its regulations strike between privacy and information-sharing."
Neil Versel
08:54 am
March 10, 2017
Convincing doctors to embrace EHRs and other new tools takes data, Mayo Clinic chief executive John Noseworthy said, and once they see the impact and the value they will move much more quickly.
Neil Versel
10:40 am
March 10, 2015
Underpinning the newly established pharmacogenomics clinic at NorthShore University HealthSystem is a strong analytics infrastructure -- positioning it for a future where every patient has pharmacogenomic data in their EMRs.
Neil Versel
09:50 am
March 05, 2015
The oral arguments the U.S. Supreme Court heard Wednesday in King vs. Burwell did not address any health IT provisions of the Affordable Care Act, but the ruling could have far-reaching effects on the future of American healthcare.
Neil Versel
11:13 am
January 29, 2015
After four years and $60 million, ONC's Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects program has pretty much wound down. Has it made electronic health records any more usable?
Neil Versel
02:30 pm
December 12, 2014
Not only is data getting bigger, it's getting smarter. In this age of big data, analytics in healthcare has expanded from business intelligence and revenue-cycle management to clinical care.
Neil Versel
02:20 pm
December 12, 2014
In the past decade, several studies have come out suggesting that CPOE can introduce and even magnify errors without proper safeguards, particularly against physicians suffering from "alert fatigue" turning off notifications.
Neil Versel
02:19 pm
December 12, 2014
Healthcare organizations with long-established electronic health records run the risk of "note bloat" and compromised patient safety unless they standardize physician documentation procedures and limit the amount of cutting-and-pasting doctors have to do.
Neil Versel
02:10 pm
December 05, 2014
Data Analytics company Health Catalyst invited Oakland Athletics General Manager Billy Beane — he of "Moneyball" fame — to keynote Health Catalyst's inaugural Healthcare Analytics Summit, Sept. 14-15. The 2011 movie starred Brad Pitt.
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