Bogi Eliasen

Bogi Eliasen is director of health at the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies. He comes from the Faroe Islands and is educated in Political Science from the University of Aarhus. Eliasen has been employed in the Faroe Business Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked as a consultant over the last 20 years for politicians, the public sector and private companies. Since 2014 he has been affiliated to CIFS where he has worked in bridging genomics and digital health. Internationally Eliasen is known for his strong network, his ability to communicate complex issues and for promoting Nordic Health 2030 Movement pushing for a fundamental shift from sick care to preventive health to ensure the longevity of our healthcare systems and improved quality of life both in the Nordics and globally. With his leading role in the Future Proofing Health concept he is driving the shift toward data driven health decisions. Eliasen received the HIMSS Future50 International Achievement Award in 2019 for his long standing commitment for the digital transformation of health and care.