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A digital microscope was the most medical-looking of the healthcare-related offerings as CES11 in Las Vegas.
Out with the knife, scissors and corkscrew -- Victorinox, a venerable maker of Swiss Army Knives displayed a pocket tool with a USB drive, biometric fingerprint reader, Bluetooth presentation controller and a laser pointer. Perfect for the PowerPoint survivalist.
BL Healthcare was a guest at the Verizon booth, showing off its FDA-approved device for patient-provider communication. Thanks to an apps-store approach, the hardware is fully expandable and, when running on the LTE network, capable of stutter-free video conferencing.
The Intel Health Guide is one of three new products from Care Innovations, a joint Intel-GE company that made its debut at CES11. It is an FDA-approved device that features video conferencing and other home health-related applications.
A Windows-based tablet displays the calendar app from Independa, an mHealth company that creates software to enable caregivers to assist elderly family members remotely. The software also addresses wellness and healthy-living applications as well, such as its "story" feature, which promotes communications and connections between family members.