Epic to advance patient engagement value proposition at HIMSS17

It’s only one piece of several other displays, demonstrations and discussions happening inside the 110x100 square-foot Epic Systems booth at HIMSS17, but “Make More Money with Epic” seems primed to draw a crowd.
“We’ll be sharing how folks are improving their operating margin and showing the value that people are achieving using Epic,” said company spokeswoman Erika Koch, who is a designer and part of the events team.
Epic puts forth examples. One is the University of Colorado Health, which doubled its margins within one year after installing Epic, and sustains the high margins with laser focus on revenue capture, and continues to maintain that higher level today, seven years later.
Koch noted there will be several other stations within the booth where guests can learn about Epic software and the unique ways clients are putting it to use in their health systems.
“There are different stations, where folks can go around and see different areas as well as our customer community – successes they are experiencing on the Epic platform,” Koch said. “There will be opportunities to see how Epic clients are putting the software to work for them.”
Epic will also highlight the patient engagement technology it is developing.
“We’ll be talking about how we’re making our software a joy to use,” Koch said, “and about our physician community and how we’re hoping to improve physician efficiency – as well as highlighting our peer group."
There will be demonstrations offered for people who want them, and opportunities to ask questions and for customers to meet other customers.
“All of our developers come to this, and all of our software, of course,” Koch noted.
CEO Judy Faulkner and the Epic crew will also ship pieces of their Wisconsin campus to HIMSS17. The paintings and sculptures – different ones each year – lend the booth a dash of whimsy that is evident inside and outside Epic’s corporate headquarters at 1979 Milky Way, Verona, Wis. The eclectic pieces give the booth the Epic feel.
HIMSS17 runs from Feb. 19-23, 2017 at the Orange County Convention Center.
This article is part of our ongoing coverage of HIMSS17. Visit Destination HIMSS17 for previews, reporting live from the show floor and after the conference.